About ThinPin Golf Inserts - The Movement!


The concept of ThinPin was conceived in March of 2019 shortly after the USGA rule change allowing the flagstick to remain in the hole while putting without accessing a penalty stroke.  With the intention of increasing the speed of play, the rule makes more sense as less attention is paid to pulling and replacing the flagstick based on the putters preference. 

What we found in our foursome was 2 players that wanted to leave it in, while 2 other traditional players wanted to have the flag pulled and putt unobstructed. In actuality, it slowed our pace of play as we were constantly pulling the flag to appease each golfers preference. 

The ThinPin is a patent approved "insert" that can be retrofitted to any standard 1/2" flagstick.  After starting the US Patent application process in May 2019, due to the COVID backlog,  ThinPin was not granted a Patent(s) until July 2022 (US Patent No.  11,383,140 and 11,541,291). 

During the Patent Pending process, ThinPin associates completed testing on product designs, defined and tested product performance, and completed statistical studies regarding the benefits of the ThinPin vs a standard pin in place during putting. 

Long-story-short we arrived at a robust insert that will withstand high winds, is easily retrofitted and/or replaced, and provides a quality that is in-line with its application.  Field testimonials have been far beyond our expectations.  By retrofitting the 18th hole at several local courses and soliciting feedback from groups coming off the 18th hole, we found overwhelmingly positive feedback.  From this, we decided to launch ThinPin.  We hope to sell product directly to individual golf course management as well as licensing the product to flagstick manufacturers as an added feature to their standard 1/2" pin sets.  Try the ThinPin and see for yourself.  If its a ThinPin, just leave it in.  Try it and you will understand, or retrofit the 18th hole and let your clients decide.

 - C. Lundin (Founder)

Note:  To meet USGA requirements, diameter must remain consistent to 

3.00" below and 3.00" above turn surface.

ThinPin meets this requirement.